Build engagement with trusted and scalable messaging with XMTP
XMTP provides the following features that you can use to build meaningful and trusted relationships with your audience:
- Subscriptions
- User consent
- Broadcasts
Here are examples of these features at work in real-world scenarios, delivering content in secure and private messages to a user’s onchain identity—with their consent.
Engage and reengage your audience with subscriptions
Put a Subscribe button built with XMTP on your site, in your app, or anywhere you want to invite people to receive your newsletters, alerts, and any other content type that can be delivered in a message.
When a user clicks Subscribe, they’re signed up to receive your messages in the inbox associated with their connected wallet address.

Reach your audience’s main inbox in all apps built with XMTP
The Subscribe button built with XMTP has the user consent feature built in. This means that when a user clicks Subscribe, they’re indicating that they trust you as a known sender and consent to receive your messages.
As a known sender, your messages are guaranteed to display in the user’s main inbox.

In contrast, messages from senders without a user’s consent are much more likely to be delivered to request or spam UIs, which are intentionally less visible to the user.

XMTP’s user consent preferences are stored privately in an encrypted consent list on the XMTP network. This means that your user’s consent to receive your messages are applied regardless of the app they use to access their inbox.

In contrast, in siloed messaging apps, a user might allow you as a sender, but that consent information can be respected in that one app only. All other apps the user uses to engage with your content don’t have access to their consent preferences and can’t respect them.
Broadcast trusted messages to your audience
Now that you have a list of subscribers who have consented to receive your content, use XMTP’s broadcast feature to bulk send your content to your subscribers.
Each subscriber receives your message as a direct message from your wallet address, setting up the possibilities for trusted one-to-one conversations.
Built with XMTP and user consent, broadcast messaging ensures that large-scale communication doesn’t compromise privacy or trust.

Ready to build?
With these use cases for subscriptions, user consent, and broadcasts in mind, it’s time to build and start fostering quality engagement with your audience through trusted and scalable messaging.
- To learn to build a subscribe button with user consent, see Enable subscriptions using consent proofs.
- To learn more about how user consent works, see Understand user consent preferences.
- To learn how to send broadcast messages, see Broadcast messages.
Want to explore code in consent, subscribe, and broadcast quickstart repos? See Quickstart repos for building audience engagement.
Prefer to use a ready-made solution? Consider using a third-party service, such as:
The XMTP ecosystem is continually evolving. If you know of other reliable services providing these features, please consider sharing them in the XMTP Community Forums.